Chris's Exemplary Career in Affordable Housing and Community Development
With 42 years of experience in developing, planning, implementing, and directing affordable housing and community development programs, Chris is an expert in his field. He has extensive knowledge in strategic planning, underwriting, real estate development, federal program management, and technical assistance. Chris has held responsible positions in City and County governments in Florida for ten years, where he administered Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Emergency Solutions (ESG), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), related supplemental grants, and State Housing Trust Funds. He has also assisted governmental entities and non-profit community development corporations in planning, developing, and administering affordable homeownership and home repair programs across the United States.
In addition to his duties as a federal grants administrator, Chris provided technical assistance on program design and management for a HOME down payment assistance program for the City of Tacoma, WA, and Palm Beach County, where he successfully completed an average of 100 housing units per year for five years. Chris has also worked as a team lead in developing two Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Areas (NRSAs) for the cities of Detroit and Toledo, providing comprehensive redevelopment, leveraging public and private sector investments, and economic development and housing opportunities for low-to-moderate-income individuals and households.
Chris's expertise and high levels of skills in all aspects of the homeownership process make him ideal for any assignment. He also provided technical assistance on home repair design, policies, and procedures development, and implementation for six cities, including emergency repair, moderate rehabilitation, and home repair special populations such as seniors. He has assisted over 15 cities with all aspects of their Consolidated Planning process, which included owner-occupied home repair and rental housing program activities. Chris keeps up-to-date with federal regulations and has strong relationships with HUD local and national staff.